Policies and Reports

How do we report, enforce, and update?

Bumitama Agri reports on sustainability projects, commitments, and events regularly through the News & Media tab and through dedicated sustainability reports. We also uphold and implement our Sustainability Policy, which is updated in line with global, industry, and management best practice.

Sustainability Policy

As a responsible grower, Bumitama recognises that the global and Indonesian palm oil industry must address concerns on deforestation, climate change and social injustice. As such in 2014, the Group commenced trials to assess the relevancy and viability of the “No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation” policy. This process resulted in the issuance of our inaugural Sustainability policy, announced on 13 August 2015. For a PDF copy, please download our Bumitama Sustainability Policy.

All provisions in this policy, with no exception, apply to all plantations and/ or mills in our subsidiaries, associates and to our external suppliers. Bumitama has reviewed the relevance of it sustainability commitments and issued an updated version of the Sustainability policy in 2022 (English | Bahasa)

Our policy covers four areas:

  • Forest Conservation and Sustainable Land Use: No peat, protection of High Conservation Values (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) landscapes, reduction of chemical fertiliser and pesticide usage, elimination of Paraquat and prevention of fire.
  • Respect for Local Community Rights: Recognition of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), efforts towards sustainable economic development models, and fair, transparent and accountable partnership with plasma smallholders.
  • Respect for Workplace Human Rights: Recognition of International Labour Organisation (ILO) core conventions and the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration on Human Rights, including a ban on forced and child labour, elimination of discrimination, provision of fair wages and working hours, and respect for freedom of association. Provision of a healthy and safe working environment, ethical conduct and efforts to eliminate corruption.
  • Traceability and Responsible Sourcing: Tracking and monitoring land development in sensitive areas, ensuring that FFB processed is traceable to our own estates, plasma smallholders, local traders and independent smallholders, and ensuring that FFB is purchased from legal and responsible sources.

Bumitama’s TCFD Aligned Strategy

Bumitama Group’s strategy, aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, emphasizes a comprehensive approach to managing climate change impacts through rigorous risk analysis, strategic adaptation, and transparent stakeholder engagement, underpinning our commitment to sustainable and responsible plant-based resource management.

For a PDF copy, please download our TCFD Aligned Strategy here.


Sustainability Report 2022

Sustainability Report 2020

Sustainability Report 2018

Sustainability Report 2016

Sustainability Report 2014

Other Media

BAL – RSPO 2023 Annual Communication Report on Progress

BAL – RSPO 2022 Annual Communication Report on Progress

Safety Campaign

BAL – RSPO 2021 Annual Communication Report on Progress

BAL – RSPO 2020 Annual Communication Report on Progress

BAL – RSPO 2019 Annual Communication Report on Progress